Your signs are the longest-standing part of your brand. Sometimes out there for over 20 years, it’s important to get it right!
We literally wrote the book for your sign standards… so that means we know them inside out. Let us know what you want to achieve and we’ll create signs for you that look great, work great, are standards-compliant, and best of all, the process will be super easy for you.
Did you know that we maintain what is likely theĀ largest database of BC Parks signs? Read on to learn more!
Kiosk Signs
Kiosk Signs
We specialize in BC Parks’ 30 x 40 signs for kiosks. Our map signs and interpretive signs meet BC Parks sign standards, come ready to install, and look great.
We are experts at interpretation! This means we can help tailor your message so that the general public can easily comprehend your sign contents. Want to see an example of our work – likely you won’t have to look further than your nearest park – we’ve made signs for most of them.
We maintain what is likely the largest database of BC Parks signs. We have digital copies of every sign we’ve made going back over 30 years – this means that updating signs can often cost less than you might expect as we’re not always starting from scratch.
Contact us and we’ll send you some examples and help you create amazing interpretive experiences for your park visitors.
Welcome to the Park! Signs
Welcome to the Park!
We know these signs inside-out…. they have replaced almost all of the “robin’s-egg” signs with information about rules and activities. Every park should have one. It’s an important part of the consistent look visitors have come to expect from BC Parks.
These signs follow a standard format and we can do up a first draft for you without your input! Just let us know the park and we’ll prepare a draft for you to work from. The turn-around time is quick and we’ll make the process super-easy for you.
Contact us and we’ll get your signage produced so you can properly welcome your visitors.
Brown Signs
Brown signs are not just brown!
We do these too! If you need signs to identify toilet locations, tenting areas, or point the way to the next trail intersection contact us now.
Trail Signs
Trail Signs
We have been providing trail signs to BC Parks for over 30 years.
Interpretive trail signs are loved by park visitors – they educate people and enhance the visitor experience in a big way because people like the excuse to stop and explore, especially on longer walks.
Map signs are also a critical component of a park’s trail system, especially on longer trail systems or are if there are trail branches that head off in different directions. Besides providing a well-received courtesy to park visitors, they help mitigate liability (for park authorities) related to people getting lost, or not being able to identify their location in the event of an emergency.
We can help you with this… contact us now.